Tuesday, June 4, 2019

The Only Poet Named Battleship... The Dante Alighieri

One of my friends was reading one of my naval stories and asked about battleships and some of their naming system. He asked me about the oddest named battleship. I found one battleship that might fit. The Italian battleship Dante Alighieri. It is the only battleship to be named after a poet. Here is what I could find on this ship.

She served in the Italian navy from 1913 to 1928 CE. She was every little action. She was the flagship during the Battle of Durazzo in 1918 CE. The ship did not fire its guns once during the battle. The Dante Alighieri did not once fire its guns in anger during her entire naval career. Due to a crashing economy in Italy after WWI, the navy decided to scrap this ship and many others to save on costs. They did this in 1928. The Dante Alighieri had a short career and a very peaceful one compared to other battleship from this time period. I found a few old photos of the ship online to share with you.

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