Friday, March 29, 2019

The 6 Powerful Julii Women + 1 Extra

A while ago I was researching ancient Rome and the powerful men that ruled their nation. While I was researching these men I found that each family has a bunch of powerful women in it as well. One family peeked my interest. They were the Julii. Yes... The powerful women that were related to Julius Caesar. There are 6 women that stood out.
  1.  Julia Cornelia, she was the wife the powerful consul and general Cornelius Sulla. She is Julius Caesar's Cousin on his father's side of the family.
  2. Julia, She was the wife of Gaius Marius. He was a powerful general and consul of Rome 7 times. Julia was Caesar's aunt.
  3. Julia Antonia, She was the mother of Mark Antony. She was also another cousin of Caesar's.
  4. Julia Major, She was one of the older sisters of Caesar's. Little is written about her.
  5. Julia Minor, She was the grandmother of the future Emperor Augustus.
  6. Julia Pompeia, She was the daughter of Julius Caesar. She was married to Pompey the Great. He was a powerful consul, general and conqueror.
There was one other powerful woman in the Julii family. Her name was Aurelia Cotta. She was the mother of Julius Caesar. She was a huge influence in Caesar's life and later raised Caesar's daughter. I found a few pictures. The first picture is of Caesar's mother and the last one is of Caesar's daughter.

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