Sunday, March 24, 2019

South American Battleships

When people talk about battleships, we all think of the German battleship Bismarck, the Japanese Yamoto and the American ships Missouri and Arizona. But, did you know that other nations from that time period also had battleships. I did some research and found a few nations that surprised me. Those nations are Brazil, Chile and Argentina. Brazil had 4 battleships, Argentina had 2 and Chile had 2 as well. Most historians say that these nations had a rivalry and they called it the South American Dreadnought Race. All of them agree these battleships would have been some of the best in the Western Hemisphere, if WWI had not broken out. The race fell apart after the first world war due to a change in the public view on ships, money and pressure from other nations. I found a few pictures of these nation's battleships. The first is the Brazilian battleship Minas Geraes. The second ship the Argentine ship Rivadavia and the last is the Chilean ship Almirante Latorre. There is also one more fact that all of these ships have a common... they are all were all made in other countries. Most of these South American ships were scrapped in the mid or late 1950's. Thus ending South America's attempt to being a naval super power.

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