Thursday, March 28, 2019

Haakon the Crazy... Fierce Not Insane

While I was looking into Eric the Memorable I found another interesting character. His name is Haakon the Crazy. That is one interesting name. Not a lot of people in history have the nickname of Crazy and not be insane. You heard that correctly, he was not insane. Let him tell you what I found out about Haakon the Crazy. He was a Jarl in Norway during the Civil War Era in Norway (1130-1240). He was born in the 1170s and dies in 1214 CE. He controlled a good chuck of Western Norway. He served and fought under several kings. Those included: King Sverre, Magnus V and Guttorm. He got his nickname by being fierce in battle, which can be translated as frenzied, furious or crazy. Other then that there really not a lot of info in this guy. I could not find a picture of Haakon, but I did find a photo of a painting depicting a famous story from the Civil War Era in Norway.

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