Monday, March 31, 2014

Frankenstein was Real??

I was doing some digging into some German history and found a name that made me stop and look again. The name was Frankenstein or Franckenstein. The families’ history stretches back to the mid-950. The very first recorded Franckenstein was Arbogast von Franckenstein. He was a knight that was granted land by a local bishop. From then on the House of Franckenstein was a power house in South-Central Germany politics. Frankenstein Castle was built by one of Arbogast decedents for the family to use as a kind of vacation home. It was this castle and one it’s most famous residents that inspired Mary Shelley to write her book: Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus. House of Franckenstein lasts until well into the 1950’s. The last well know Franckenstein was Georg von und zu Franckenstein or Sir George Franckenstein. He lived from 1878-1953. He was an anti-Nazi and was forced to leave to England. Sadly, the family slowly started to disappear from records after WWII. A positive side effect is that their name will never be forgotten in history, even if it is a fictional story about a monster. I have found a picture of their coat of arms and of Sir George Franckenstein.

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