Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Lost Maritime Republic of Ragusa

The Lost Maritime Republic of Ragusa

When it comes to the great trading centers of the Middle Ages everyone names the usual three cities: Venice, Genoa and Pisa. But, there were other cities that were important centers of trade turning that time. The one that I found the most interesting is not even it Italy. Most were coastal cities on the Italian Peninsula, But not Ragusa. Ragusa was a city in what is now Croatia. In 1358, Ragusa gained independence from Venice and soon controlled all the trade with Hungary, Bosnia and Serbia. Unlike their Italian neighbors, Ragusa had a good relationship with the Byzantine and Ottoman Empires. This relationship helped protect Ragusa through the centuries. Ragusa’s control on the trade in this area ended with the Portuguese finding sea routes to India and her neighbors warring with the Turks. Her power was waning. It finally came to an end in 1806 when Ragusa surrender to Napoleon’s French Empire. Ragusa was added to Napoleon’s Italian kingdom. Sadly, that ends the story that is the Republic of Ragusa. I have included a map of where Ragusa and its territories were located in Croatia today.

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