Thursday, March 27, 2014

One of the Oldest Military Units in the World

One of the Oldest Military Units in the World

When it comes the military units most do not have a long history to them. That is not the case for the Legio III Augusta. The English translation to that is The 3rd Legion of Augustus. Its history covers 500 years of history. The 3rd Augusta was created around 43 BCE on the orders of the future emperor Augustus. This legion most likely fought in the Battle of Philippi against Caesar’s murderers. Not long after this battle the 3rd Augusta was shipped to Africa. This legion spent the next 500 years stationed in the North African desert. This legion survived many border wars, rebellions, disbandments and recreations to defend the Southern border of the Roman Empire. Sadly, the Roman Empire collapsed and the 3rd Augusta disappeared into the sands of time. I have included a picture of what their shield looks like.

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