Sunday, April 7, 2019

Franch Avallon Theory

Everyone knows the myths and legends about King Arthur, Merlin, Camelot, the Round Table and Avalon. Some historians are even trying to match real historical figures and places to these legends. Most historians agree that these places and people were located in England. But there was one theory that is different from the others. According to this theory King Arthur was a Romano-British king named Riothamus. He fought many battles in France. Then he disappeared (died), near the town of Avallon, France. If you read the accounts of Riothamus and compare them to King Arthur's stories, you will see the similarities between Riothamus and King Arthur. Could Avallon in France be the mystical Island of Avalon? Could Riothamus be the legendary King Arthur? Could the French Avallon Theory be true? What do you think? The pictures are of famous paintings of the death of King Arthur and Island of Avalon.

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