Monday, April 15, 2019

Saint Olga of Kiev and Pigeons as Weapons

While I was researching war pigeons, I came across an interesting person. Her name is Saint Olga of Kiev. There are two things that she was famous for. One, bring Christianity to the Kievan Rus and the other was using pigeons to burn the village or city of an enemy. Yes... you heard me correctly, she used pigeons to fight her enemies. Here is her info. Historians don't have her birth info, but they do know when she died (969 CE). She married to Igor of Kiev and helped him rule the Kievan Rus. They had a son named Sviatoslav. Igor died while Sviatoslav was young and Olga became regent. During her time as regent she tried to spread Christianity and conquer the enemies around her son. There was a tribe, the Drevlains, they killed Igor in 945 CE. Olga got her and her son's revenge. She killed their leaders and nobility. She later had her military send pigeons with torches and burnt one of their cities to the ground. Her legacy to her people and the world is beginning Christianity to Russia and turning pigeons into fire bombs. I found a view pictures of a few famous paintings. One is of Saint Olga and the last is a painting of Olga attending her husbands funeral.

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