Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Anglo-Zanzibar War... The Shortest War in History

Some friends and I were talking about some famous wars in history. We talked about some of the longest and shortest wars in history. We could not agree on which wars were the shortest. So like a good scholar I am, I did some digging and I found the answer to this question. The answer is the Anglo-Zanzibar War. It lasted 38 minutes. Yes... you saw that correctly. The war was over in under an hour.

The Anglo-Zanzibar War happened on August 27 1896. This war was part of the Scramble for Africa that happened in the last half of the 1800s and the first half of the 1900s. The war started with the death of the pro-British Sultan and the appointment of an anti-British Sultan. The British did not like this and so started the war. The British bombardment the Sultan's Palace ended the war and the independence of the Sultanate of Zanzibar. I found a few pictures. The first is a map of the Sultanate of Zanzibar. The 2nd picture is of the remains of the bombed out building of the Sultan's harem. The last picture is the placement of the armed forces involved the war.

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