Thursday, March 27, 2014

A Princess of the Tower of London?

A Princess of the Tower of London?

When I heard that an English Princess was born in the Tower of London and spent 11 years of her life there, I was curious. The Princess’ name is Joan of England. She is more commonly called Joan of the Tower. She lived from 1321 to 1362. She was born in the Tower of London. She was married to the King of Scotland. Don’t too long after their marriage war broke out between England and Scotland. The King of Scotland was captured and spent 11 years as a guest of the Tower of London. During his imprisonment Joan visited often. After his release from the Tower, Joan stayed in England. That is all that is written about her in history. She was soon forgot and lost in the chronicles of English history. I found one of the only images of Joan of the Tower.

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